Welcome to Quad Royal. It’s a website all about posters and graphics, mostly just pre and post WW2.
But it’s also not really being updated any more. Sorry.
However there are lots of lovely articles and pictures for you to browse through still – and if you are interested in a particular artist, the search box is just on your left. And I do still respond to comments, although not very fast.

If you want to know what I am up to now, I’m now posting on Substack about a range of different things including stately homes, old paths and sometimes artists.
My book about women, walking on old roads and much else besides is currently being funded at Unbound and should be in bookshops next year.
While my last book, The Life of Stuff, about hoarding, what happened when I cleared out my mother’s house and the meaning of the things we all live with is available at all good bookshops. And perhaps some bad ones too.