Once again, people have been sending me things. To be more precise, they’ve been sending pictures of things. Which is a shame, as I would have very much liked to get this in the post.
Michael Sand got in contact with me. His parents were friends of Hans Unger’s in London in the 196os, and so he made them this lovely mosaic of their house in 1965. I love this, I think it’s my favourite of any of his mosaics that I’ve seen, so thank you to Michael for telling me about it and then letting me show you the photograph.
That’s not all, either. Suzanne Emerson’s parents were friends of Royston Cooper in the 1960s and 1970s, and so she now owns two of Royston’s paintings.
Apparently she and her mum called the first one drips and the second one eggs. There’s also a limited edition lithograph too.
She asked me about them, but I am well outside of what I know about here, so I thought I’d put them up on the blog and see if you lot can help. Suzanne is also thinking about selling them, so if anyone has any knowledge of or interest in them, please do let me know in the comments and I will pass your details on.
Because I outed myself in a recent post as being utterly ignorant about film posters, I have also – very kindly – been sent an entire book on the subject. So once I have moved house (have I mentioned this yet?), I shall read it and then I will know. Watch out.
Finally, since we’re all here, an interesting heap of posters have come up on eBay, all from the one seller.
That’s interesting as in the sense of totally bemusing, because I do not know how someone ends up with three Abram Games posters (there is also the Damp Ruins Ammunition one which I have seen more often than these two), and then two GPO posters from the 1960s? Most odd. I am hoping that the Talk Kills one is in focus in real life, I’m sure it must be.
Most confounding. But I shall watch the prices with interest.
We are, finally, moving house next week, and chaos will almost certainly loom large. So if Quad Royal falls short of its customary standards of service, I apologise. Back to normal very soon. I hope.
Hi there, I’ve just stumbled upon your site in the last ten minutes whilst searching out some Frank Newbould information for a blog of my own at http://www.newdecoposters.com. I love your blog already and just thought I’d let you know this now because it’s going to take me a while ploughing through your magnificent archive of posts.
I am a poster artist myself, working from home in Suffolk, specialising in the period between the wars, selling through my website at http:www.newvintageposters.com.
But now I have some reading to do.
Best regards
Bill Philpot
The Hans Unger mosaic is beautiful. Oh, to have such friends . . .
Bill – thank you very much for getting in contact. Your website looks really interesting and I’m hoping to have a proper browse when I have a bit more time.
Kirsten – I couldn’t agree more.