Throw a Coach Party
It’s here. The much anticipated Morphets everything-you-ever-wanted-to-own-from -the-sixties-and-seventies Malcolm Guest catalogue has arrived at The Saleroom and on their website.
Donald Smith, two posters for Hants and Dorset Coaches
My brain is going to take a while to absorb it all, especially in this heat – there are over a thousand lots, and with many of them multiples of between two and fifteen posters, I haven’t a clue how many posters are actually for sale. Really quite a lot I should think, and all I’ve been able to do is skim through them. So, for the moment, here are a few nice items chosen at random for your entertainment. And a few first thoughts too.
Bruce Angrave, Party Travel, British Railways poster
There are huge numbers of posters which I certainly have never come across at auction or illustrated before, from, the whimsical to the modern.
Longman, Party Outings By Rail, British Railways
John Wright, Rail Rover Tickets, British Railways
And a few which seem to have fallen off the first sale, like this rather lovely bit of GWR modernism.
Ralph Mott Factories and Factory Sites, GWR
There are also a lot of coach posters in addition to the railway collection – well over three hundred.
Karo/Jacques, Luxury Coach Tours; Send Your Parcels by Bus
But mostly it’s the sheer quantity of posters itself that I find overwhelming. I could – and probably will – do a whole post just about the Royston Coopers that they have, most of which I’ve never seen before.
I should also point out that, once again, the estimates are insanely low. That Royston Cooper is estimated at £50-100, as are the two Daphne Paddens below.
If even half the lots go for close to these estimates I will a) eat my hat and b) need a removal van to bring all of my purchases down from Harrogate.
It gets even madder when you start to look at the multiples.
Anyone fancy the Games, Eckersley and two Ungers above for £100 to £150? I do, but I also don’t rate my chances too highly on that.
A full appraisal will follow in due course, but it really is worth going to take a look yourself – and then please do come back and tell me what you think.