Float Or Fly
I’ve mentioned the P&O archive before now, but I was led back to it the other day when I was on the trail of John Bainbridge. This delightful fish is his, dating to 1953.
But to my joy, I’ve discovered that they’ve added to what’s online since I was last there. New arrivals include this Negus/Sharland poster from 1955, which is, I think, the earliest example of their work that I have come across.
This Fritz Buhler, which is just dated 1950s, is also good.
While this last poster is just intriguing. It’s not signed, but it doesn’t half look like a Royston Cooper to me.
What do you reckon?
But that’s not all. The Printed Ephemera section has also been extended. It now not only includes a few delights that have been seen before on Quad Royal, like these menus by Dorrit Dekk and Daphne Padden.
There are others as well, and amongst them this Daphne Padden menu, which is new to me.
And dating from 1956, it’s quite an early example of her work too.
There’s plenty more to be found on the archive too, but it’s leading me into such digressions that they may need a whole post of their own. But I will explain more another day.