Remember our Daphne Padden prints from last year?
(Which are, incidentally, still available, if you want one just leave a comment or drop me a line via the contact form).
Well now, thanks to the lovely people at To Dry For, you are now also able to buy Daphne Padden tea towels too. Just take a look at this, beautifully printed onto linen and rather desirable.
That’s not all, either, because they’ve also made two more Padden designs into tea towels as well.
It’s all very exciting if you ask me.
They are for sale right now via the To Dry For website, and in the next week or so I will be running some kind of competition with a couple of these as prizes. Except I don’t know what kind of competition that might be yet. Watch this space (or even suggest one of your own, you might just win a tea towel for that too).
May I suggest an idea for your competition: the most original re-use for an object inspired by the reworking of Daphne’s poster and package designs into tea towels? I am sure that we have all taken items such as posters and displayed them but how have people taken other design classics and reused them? I have used many items in situations that they were never initially intended for. Currently rewiring a 1950’s Vulcan Bomber Landing Light into a functioning actuated reading lamp!!! Keep up the good work.
And perhaps also a prize for the most appalling reworking of an original design too – there’s more than enough of that out there.