There are of course other exceptions to my rule (as stated below) that most 1960s posters aren’t worth hanging on my wall.
The obvious ones are of course Patrick Tilley’s posters for the Sunday Times.
I’ve posted about them on here before.
Along with, thanks to Patrick Tilley himself, the follow-up set of designs that never ended up being used.
I would quite happily put any or all of these up in my house, and in fact probably will do one of these days.
But I’m not sure why that is. They’re not throw-backs to the 1950s, they’re very much of their time and yet I still like them. Explanations on a postcard please, because I certainly don’t have any.
But I’m clearly not alone in this. I was surprised – mainly because they are fairly rare posters – to see this exanple on the Rennies website.
For £1250.
We’ve got the set. And frankly, if anyone were to offer us six times that price for them, we’d probably have to accept. It would go a long way towards paying for the kitchen….