In writing about Lilian Dring, I returned to the subject of Empire Marketing Board poster hoardings with their fantastic and unique layout It’s been a while since I considered this properly , so I set off into the internet to see if there was new research and the change to find out more. I have […]
Having said that nothing new and interesting has turned up for a while, I am just about to prove myself wrong. But that’s probably a good thing. At least I think it is. Anyway, I was looking at the V&A’s collection of Empire Marketing Board posters (as anyone might do on a quiet afternoon) and […]
I was going to try and say something clever about this auction that’s coming up at Bloomsbury/Dreweatts first thing tomorrow, but there isn’t really much point. Because what’s coming up – at least the interesting part of it – is a collection of posters designed by Clifford and Rosemary Ellis, and almost every single one of […]
Now here’s something interesting, albeit thoroughly of its era in its attitude to racial difference. (A riot of Colour and Music reads rather differently to us today with those images attached). Nonetheless, here it is and so, like the Volkswagen and Empire Marketing Board posters, we shall consider it. This was emailed to me by […]
I’ve posted about the Empire Marketing Board posters before, both the ideological problem that they present, and their rather special hoardings. I can’t even remember why I was searching for them again the other day, but in doing so, I turned up something I’ve never seen before, which is this. It looks like some kind […]
Anonymous chemist’s poster, c. 1880 John Hassall, c. 1889. John Hassall, 1908. Maxwell Armfield, 1915. Saville Lumley, 1914 Alfred Leete, 1914. Anonymous, 1915 Anonymous, 1915 Tom Purvis, 1923. Edward McKnight Kauffer, 1927 Clive Gardiner, c.1930 Anonymous, 1927-1933 A. R Thomson, 1931. Vanessa Bell, 1934 Denis Constanduros, 1932 Gilroy, 1934 Richard Beck, 1937 Dame Laura Knight, […]